Planning Department



The Planning Department consists of professionals who work to provide the highest quality of service possible in the areas of land use and development, long-range planning, housing, community development, and economic development.  The Department exists to

  • Guide the land use, planning, and development process in the City of Paducah
  • Ensure the orderly use and reuse of land now and for the future
  • Maximize the health, safety, and economic well-being for all residents
  • Facilitate the creation of quality spaces that enhance the quality of life for Paducahans.

Department Divisions

Administration - Provides overall program preparation, direction, and oversight; maintains department personnel, budget and land use records; provides administrative support to pertinent boards, committees, and commissions; and provides support and guidance for the entire department. 

Planning - Responsible for the development and update of the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Paducah.  One of the chief responsibilities of the department includes reviewing site plans and plats for compliance and providing staff review and support for the land use decision-making bodies, specifically, the Planning Commission and Urban Renewal & Community Development Agency, the Board of Adjustment, and the Historical and Architectural Review Commission (HARC). The department must also tend to the updating of the zoning ordinance.

  • Comprehensive Plan -  The Comprehensive Plan ideally is inclusive, transparent, unbiased and reflects the comprehensive values of the entire community and protects the public interest.  The Plan can be implemented in a variety of ways with the most common tool through the zoning ordinance. The Comprehensive Plan can also be implemented through the City’s annexation activities, strategic projects, and focused programs.  
  • Riverfront Project - One strategic project is the Paducah Riverfront and Downtown Area which is using the critical tool, a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District.  
  • Opportunity Zones - A completely new and unique economic development driver arrived in the form of Opportunity Zones. To maximize the potential private investment encouraged by this tax-relief tool, the department is strategically packaging and marketing projects in the OZ to aggregate the benefit and guide investment where it can be most useful and fulfill the Comprehensive Plan.
  • Paducah Main Street - Paducah Main Street focuses on implementing a keystone objective of the Comprehensive Plan: continued revitalization of downtown.  The Main Street Director recruits business and links partner associations, downtown stakeholders, and the Main Street Advisory Board. The Main Street Board of Directors, a board of five citizens, has the responsibility of assisting with the Main Street accreditation process and coordinating with staff in executing strategies of the Fourpoint Main Street approach.  Staff is also responsible for promoting and administering the downtown incentive programs: façade grants, new business grants, roof stabilization grants, tax moratorium program, and the upper story residential grant program.